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钢琴谱:Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲

Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲

曲谱下载-Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲

Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲相关视频

Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲乐谱简介


Let It Go双手简谱和五线谱完全对应。

Let It Go

这首歌曲是由美国新生代女演员、流行乐歌手以及作词人Demi Lovato演唱的。

网站还为大家提供了《Let It Go简单版》的曲谱下载

歌词下方是Let It Go钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。

Let It Go歌词:

Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold you back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
The snow blows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the Queen
The wind is howling like the swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl
You always had to be
Conceal, don't feel
Don't let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold you back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand, and here I'll stay
Let it go
Let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway
It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all
Up here in the cold thin air
I finally can breathe
I know i left a life behind but I'm to relieved to grieve
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold you back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let it go
Let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway
Standing frozen in the life I've chosen
You won't find me, the past is so behind me
Buried in the snow
Let it go
Let it go
Can't hold you back anymore
Let it go
Let it go
Turn my back and slam the door
And here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let it go
Let it go
The cold never bothered me anyway
na na na na na na
Let it go na na na
you go
Let it go
Let it go
Let it go

Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲五线谱预览 ( 共4张 )



Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲双手简谱预览 ( 共8张 )

Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲PDF文件下载

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  • 可随意放大、缩小
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  • 适用手机、平板、电脑

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Let It Go完整版-动画冰雪奇缘主题曲-用户留言

  • 在哪里下载呀?我找不到
    2022-03-22 21:35:45   回复
    2022-03-23 08:35:27   回复
  • 请问一下怎么转PDF文件打印呢?
    2021-06-30 17:21:34   回复
    easypiano  回复 ZHUKANGRUI
    2021-06-30 17:34:50   回复
  • 网站的谱子太全了
    2020-12-12 13:57:14   回复
  • 18岁想学钢琴难吗?
    2016-06-05 21:42:11   回复
    easypiano  回复 匿名
    2016-06-05 21:44:39   回复
    952231449  回复 匿名
    2016-09-11 16:31:24   回复
    匿名  回复 952231449
    2020-07-21 08:11:10   回复
  • 很好听,有一个问题,右手有些地方根本按不完,大佬是咋弹的?
    2020-04-09 22:20:44   回复
    easypiano  回复 xsjingyu
    2020-04-10 08:34:02   回复
  • 蓝色部分可以不弹吗
    2019-09-15 17:54:33   回复
    2019-09-15 19:25:02   回复
  • 感谢 有这么好的谱子,大赞
    2019-06-14 13:04:03   回复
  • 这根本弹不出来吧 右手同时弹那么多键 隔的还远
    2017-10-19 14:26:37   回复
    easypiano  回复 270157669
    2017-10-19 17:48:39   回复
  • 赞赞赞,大赞
    2017-02-11 09:16:05   回复
  • 手机无法下载吗
    2017-01-20 15:12:48   回复
    淑女style  回复 匿名
    2017-01-20 15:19:32   回复
  • 网站的谱子太全了
    2016-06-21 16:13:14   回复
  • 太感谢了,我之前玩水果软件,到处找true pianos网上找的都无法安装,我在网上找模拟钢琴,偶然间发现了这个软件,太神奇了,不但能模拟钢琴弹各种好玩的谱子,小编还提供vst插件的免费下载及安装方法我的水果也能用了,国内良心软件,100个赞!马上学习去
    2016-05-13 13:10:35   回复
  • 跪求动漫《K》中的《New Kings》的EOP和简谱
    2016-04-01 12:50:23   回复
    easypiano  回复 AdolfKLu
    2016-04-01 13:14:07   回复
    AdolfKLu  回复 easypiano
    2016-04-03 10:57:53   回复
    easypiano  回复 AdolfKLu
    2016-04-03 19:51:52   回复
  • 这首曲子是不是不能试听
    2016-03-15 23:16:15   回复
    2016-03-16 08:55:17   回复
  • 6666666666
    2016-02-20 03:58:06   回复
  • eop 左边和弦3个的有的弹不出来 什么情况
    2014-04-15 23:45:24   回复
    easypiano  回复 herodao
    2014-04-16 09:19:05   回复
    匿名  回复 easypiano
    2015-12-19 00:19:47   回复
    easypiano  回复 匿名
    2015-12-19 08:21:36   回复
  • 為何列印出来会超出边界?也找不到可以更改边界的地方, 有人能解答吗?
    2015-11-30 14:47:51   回复
    easypiano  回复 匿名
    2015-11-30 15:02:39   回复
  • 百听不厌啊这曲子
    2015-08-28 09:45:27   回复
  • 为了玩这个,特意买了个无冲突键盘,嘎嘎嘎
    2015-07-28 21:39:12   回复
  • 请教一下,怎么注册的账号啊,那个什么伊妹儿没有啊
    2015-07-24 13:24:27   回复
    easypiano  回复 匿名
    2015-07-24 13:27:02   回复
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